Saturday 30 March 2013

Redcar Beacon & Promenade

So then, this is my first proper post for the new blog and it might be a little controversial (or as controversial as it gets in Redcar!).  There are a lot of mixed feelings about the new Beacon in Redcar and I've been back and forth on this one myself, too.  I can't help but think that if they'd never referred to it as a vertical pier, there would have been a more positive buzz.  Instead I was surrounded by people either just not caring, or those who seemed stuck in the past and hell bent on shouting about wanting a traditional pier instead.  I really am finding it difficult to think of anyone who ever had anything positive to say about the Beacon while it was being built, myself included.

This Easter weekend has seen it open to the public for the first time, and having blue skies set in for the day and in desperate need of a walk, I decided to grab my camera and stroll off to the promenade for a good look, complete with an open mind and a positive outlook.

At first all I could see were people milling around hunched into their pac-a-macs and cagools (just in case it rains, you can't be too careful!).  I wasn't looking very closely at first, seeing as I was attempting to negotiate the rather heavy traffic without getting my toes crushed.

Looking more carefully I soon realised there were people in costumes, and all seemed to be from Alice in Wonderland.  I have to hold my hands up and say that's all well and good, but a grown person in a huge bunny costume still scares the bejeesus out of me, I don't care how 'cute' the bunny is!

I turned off my mp3 player so I could step back into the world properly, and finally noticed there was a show going on outside the Beacon.  Oooooh fab!  It was no surprise to see it was Alice in Wonderland, and there was a tea party happening.

Alice in Wonderland

It's a long time since I've seen any kind of street theatre in Redcar (and I was actually involved in the last one!) and I was struck by just how enthusiastic and energetic the players were, and all so young.  As I looked around I realised that most of the people huddled into their coats were really rather enjoying themselves.  This should come as no surprise, perhaps, but with such a feeling of apathy around the Beacon before it opened, it pleasantly surprised me.  There were a lot of smiles!

Mad Hatter's Tea Party
 There were a lot of characters still wandering around talking with people, focussing on the kids of course, and they stayed in character and kept people's smiles up with great, colourful eagerness.  A little further along there was even a Punch & Judy stand.  Oh, and TFM had come out to play too, complete with prizes and all dressed up.  Yes, the DJ included!

There was a queue to go up to the top of the Beacon, and today I decided not to go up.  Instead I'll wait until my nieces are here on Monday, when hopefully there'll still be some activities for them.  Having bumped into some family while I was there, I was assured it was a great view, and everyone seemed pleasantly surprised; again more smiles!

So decision made not to go up, I decided instead to walk around by the wall.  I haven't been to the beach when there was such a low tide in a very long time, and it was a gorgeous view.  It's easy at times like that to remember why I love living by the sea.  There were a lot of people out walking, braving that razor sharp wind, but more impressive were the people building a sand sculpture (impressive for standing around in the cold!).  I can't quite believe it took me until I was uploading the photos to realise they were building the Beacon all over again on the beach.  I really do need to open my eyes some more!

Building a sand sculpture
 I didn't stick around for the finished article, or I might still be there at 8 o'clock tonight.  I decided to go for a wander through the town, since part of the promenade is still closed; a shame, really.  I forgot it was market day and I was taken aback by the number of people on the high street, but more than that when I really looked at people I realised just how much happier most people seemed to be today.  Maybe it was a combination of the sun coming out, the snow and sleet stopping, the colourful characters, the little fairground rides, or just because everyone has extra days off work.  Whatever the reason(s), it was fabulous to see.

Having bought too much Baklava from the ever cheerful stallholders and had a right good little joke on with them (you can't help it, they're lovely!), I wandered up the high street and decided to trail back off to the promenade further up, where it's been opened back up for some time.

Promenade heading towards the stray
I love this part of the prom.  It's an immense amount of seating or a playground for the little (and big) kids who can't resist walking along the top of a wall.  I think it's simple and attractive, and makes great use of the pedestrian space.

Sea wall and windmills

I even like the windmills.  I always did.  I never quite understood the uproar from people who thought they 'spoil the view', whether they're out to sea or in the middle of the countryside.  To me they're elegant, and no amount of persuasion will work to make me change my mind.

Redcar beach

Redcar beach - looking towards Marske and Saltburn

Finally I wandered back down the sea front, past the endless, chiming amusement arcades, past the fabulous little rock shop, with a slight detour for lunch in the ever present Pacittos (long may it reign as King of the Lemontop!).  Eventually I found my way back to the Beacon, and realised I'd taken all these other photos but none of the main reason I visited the prom today!  Out came the camera again...

Redcar Beacon in all its glory
 I was sceptical about it the whole time it was being built.  I wondered what was the point of just sitting a giant helter skelter on the sea front when so much more was needed on the high street to bring it back to life.  I see it now, though, in part thanks to a rather insightful person I exchanged a few words with this morning.

It fits.  It's the seaside and fun.  It's smiles and ice cream and fish and chips.  It's amusement arcades and day trips to the beach.  It's Redcar, but it's a Redcar we can be proud of and not one for which we should feel the need to apologise (and yes, most of us do that).

It's a little bit of hope for what the future can bring if we just open our eyes a bit wider and try to see the bigger picture.  We need to find the time and energy to stop looking at our feet as we walk down the road grumbling about the weather and taxes, and instead look up, look out, try to see further, consider what's already out there, consider what could be there in our future, perhaps even consider what we want our children, our nephews and nieces to see and experience in their futures.  We may even be able to make things happen that we wouldn't have previously dreamt of achieving.

Look up.  Go on.  Please.  Look up and open your eyes properly.  It really is brighter than you think.

Friday 29 March 2013

An exercise in happiness

It seemed fitting that my first post on this new blog would be all about the fantastic #smile.  It was originally posted on Witchetty Grub, but I felt the need for a separate blog for the good things in life.  So, here it is.

My first H.A.P.P.Y. post  :D


A handful of people tried to belittle what a large, diverse group of people did purely to put smiles on people's faces on Stockton High Street yesterday, Friday 15 March 2013.  This is my response, and I hope that even if it doesn't make the negative people consider others more, perhaps it will help those negative comments fade into the background for those of us who were uplifted and happy on a cold day in Stockton.


I made a decision in the new year, and especially more recently, to be happier; to be thankful for and appreciate the beautiful and wonderful world and people around me, and to try to bring a little more joy into other people's lives too.

When I joined Stockton Town Choir I had no idea I would end up being involved in something as incredible as #smile.  A year ago I wouldn't have dreamed of singing in public regardless of how many people were singing with me, so yesterday was more than nerve wracking for me.  I rearranged my working week to be part of it and it's one of the most wonderful things I've ever done.  And I want more!

Spreading happiness and working towards a sense of pride about not only where we live, but who we are, starts with one person.  You.  Sadly, no matter what we do as individuals, if someone can't or refuses to see the good things in life and just be happy, for however brief a moment, we won't make a difference to them.  But for the countless others who just want to be happy, why stop?

I used to work in Stockton.  I've never lived there, and I rarely visit anymore.  Should I have let that stop me from wanting to be part of such a positive beast as #smile just because I live 10 miles away?  For many people it's a struggle just to be happy within themselves.  I get that.  I've been there.  It gives me an understanding that perhaps some others don't get, so since reading the negativity from a tiny percentage of people who witnessed what Mike McGrother pulled together yesterday, I took a step back.  I slept on it.  I decided this morning that I wouldn't be negative.  I won't 'bite'.

I would only suggest one thing to those people with nothing positive to say about #smile.  Take a moment to stop and consider this; happiness spreads faster than a virus, but so can misery.  The feedback from yesterday proves that the people who want to be happy are in the majority in a BIG way.  Do you really choose to be in the minority who can't find the joy in something that's obviously so special?  Do you really want to spread that to the people you love?  Do you want the next generations to find the bad in everything around them, or would you rather they can see the joy and help others see it too?  You can be the start of a change in outlook that can help everyone around you to enjoy their moments on this earth without feeling the need to justify why they just feel happy.  No one should ever have to justify happiness.

Yesterday I was proud to be part of #smile.  I would have stood there singing all day to make more people happier.  I even started dancing, and I never dance!  I had the biggest smile on my face while I was singing and dancing, looking out at all those faces smiling back at us all, some with tears in their eyes, some joining in.

See us #smile

I was, and still am, proud of every last person involved in yesterday's performance.  I'm grateful for the new friends I've made through the choir, and I hope to make more.  I'm happy to know we made people's lives a little more joyful, regardless of how short-lived it may have been.

I'm awed by the infectiously determined and genuinely lovely Mike McGrother, who worked his backside off to pull together #smile.  I have no doubt that he suffered sleepless nights and lost hair while organising it, and I know even without asking them that every last person involved yesterday is incredibly grateful for everything he did.

I'm going to continue to try to make people's lives a little more pleasant.  I'll respond cheerily when the supermarket worker greets me as though we've been friends for years.    I'll leave friendly notes for colleagues when I haven't seen them for a few days.  I'll smile and thank people for holding open a door for me, and I'll do the same for others.  I'll let other drivers into traffic when I actually want to be stubborn and make them wait.  I'll randomly send chocolate through the internal mail to colleagues with just a note to say they're appreciated.  I'll continue to be the best version of myself I can possibly be, and hope that someone's day is a little brighter because of it.

And one day I'll stand up again on a high street in the cold and the threatening rain, maybe Stockton, maybe not, and I'll sing and dance like it's the last thing I'm ever going to do on this earth.

It makes me happy.

I want it to make you happy too!

For those who weren't there, here are a couple of videos of #smile.  I'm hoping more start popping up.  I've just watched this through for the first time and I cried a little, but with a big smile on my face all over again.

Watch us #smile 1

Watch us #smile 2 

BTW, did you know that Wednesday 20 March is the International Day of Happiness?  What will you do to make someone's day a little brighter?

Love to you all.  Thanks for reading this far!

K x